Yubikey-GPG on linux
by [lockbox]Table of Contents
TLDR; man 1 gpg
What started as two independent efforts trying to get yubikey-ssh and gpg-signed-git commits turned into 1 combined effort.
build with support for security keys On Gentoo:USE=security-key emerge -aq net-misc/openssh
Then you unlock the ability to create new ssh-keys with the *-sk
You also probably want to add the options to make the key resident on the key
and to require authorization every time a la:
ssh-keygen -t ecdsa-sk -O resident -O application=ssh:text -O verify-required
Note that the “text” portion can be anything
Important Links
Start with the gentoo setup instructions, as they’re consistently decent.
Then follow them up with the actual YubiKey Docs
Adding gpg to git commits: